Museum Collection

As part of its mission to document the history and practice of American finance, the Museum actively collects documents and artifacts related to capital markets, money and banking. The collection includes stocks, bonds, currency, checks, prints, engravings, photographs, objects and books. The Museum has an extensive collection of stock and bond certificates from the Gilded Age, from companies that include US Steel, Standard Oil and the New York Central Railroad. A description of the Museum's collection, including finding aids for some of the Special Collections, can be found here.

The Museum's library holds over 1,000 historical and contemporary books on finance, economics, trading, banking and more. The collection is currently located at the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) Library in Great Barrington, Massachusetts and can be searched online here.

Items from the Museum's collection have been featured in books, newspapers and television documentaries. Please contact Sarah Poole at with questions regarding the Museum's collection.

Images of many items from the Museum's collection can be viewed on our Flickr page.