Volcker Helps Finance Museum Raise $470,000 at Gala, Defy Slump

January 12, 2009

Volcker Helps Finance Museum Raise $470,000 at Gala, Defy SlumpJohn Whitehead at 2009 gala

By Patrick Cole, Bloomberg News

Paul Volcker, one of the men President-elect Barack Obama is counting on to save the U.S. economy, last night helped the Museum of American Finance raise about $470,000 at a gala dinner.

The 21-year-old museum chose Volcker in April to receive its first John C. Whitehead Award for Distinguished Public Service and Financial Leadership. Whitehead, a former co- chairman of Goldman, Sachs & Co. and a philanthropist, was also at the gala. He been leading an effort to lure patrons such as Volcker and raise the museum’s profile in New York.
