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Join us for a screening of the award-winning film, In Money We Trust?, followed by a conversation with Steve Forbes and Elizabeth Ames, co-authors of the book MONEY: How the Destruction of the Dollar Threatens The Global Economy — and What We Can Do About It, on which the film is based.
In Money We Trust? is an illuminating one-hour public television documentary that answers the question, “what is money?” In a narrative that begins in ancient times and takes us to the present day, the film explains how, 2,500 years ago, the invention of money provided a shared measure of value that facilitated trade and cooperation between strangers. Sound, trustworthy money has throughout history fueled great human achievement—from the emergence of philosophy to the high-tech revolution. The program also explores the destructive consequences that ensue when inflation or other forms of instability cause money not to be trusted. In the most extreme instances, such as in Weimar Germany or present-day Venezuela, the economy—and social order—collapses.
About the Speakers
Steve Forbes is chairman and editor-in-chief of Forbes Media, which publishes Forbes Magazine. Combined with Forbes Asia, and the company’s licensee editions, the magazine reaches over six million global readers. reaches over 65 million unique monthly visitors. Forbes products include iconic lists such as the Forbes 400 and Forbes Global Billionaires, its noteworthy Women’s Summit and its 30 Under 30 lists and conferences that celebrate young achievers from around the world. In addition to MONEY, he has written or co-authored numerous other books. He is also a contributor to countless other publications and appears regularly on cable and broadcast outlets.
Elizabeth Ames is writer and co-producer of In Money We Trust?, as well as producer of the film's website, Ames has co-authored four books with Steve Forbes including MONEY, which is the basis of the documentary.
Program followed by reception. General admission $25; MoAF members and press FREE.