Monday, July 14, 2014 | 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Event Location:
Trinity Church
74 Trinity Place
New York City
Alexander Hamilton's funeral was held 210 years ago, on July 14. That day, a funeral procession began at his brother-in-law John B. Church's home and ended at Trinity Church, where Hamilton was buried. His funeral was one of the most attended funerals in New York City history.
Join in remembering Hamilton on the anniversary of his funeral in the Trinity Churchyard. This program will include participation by the US Coast Guard, Sector New York, which Hamilton founded, and remarks by Peter Dodge, President of the New York State Society of the Cincinnati. Mr. Dodge will speak on the history of the Society of the Cincinnati (of which Hamilton was a member and second President-General), plus the role the Society played in coordinating and leading Hamilton's 1804 funeral procession.
Following the graveside remembrance at the Hamilton grave in the Trinity Churchyard, Dr. Joanne Freeman will deliver a keynote talk inside Trinity Church entitled, "Alexander Hamilton: Man of Honor." Dr. Freeman is a noted Hamilton scholar and history professor from Yale University. In addition to decades of study on Alexander Hamilton, she is a leading expert on duels and dueling culture. In her talk, Dr. Freeman will weave a narrative of the role of honor in 18th century America, the importance that Hamilton placed on honor throughout his life and how that led him to participate in the "affair of honor," or duel, that ended his life.
The Museum of American Finance (48 Wall Street) will be open to event attendees following the talk for a meet and greet with Dr. Freeman and a viewing of the Museum's "Alexander Hamilton Room."
This free event is part of the third annual CelebrateHAMILTON program honoring Hamilton's life and legacy, and is presented by the AHA Society (the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society).