New Discoveries in the Life of Alexander Hamilton

New Discoveries in the Life of Alexander Hamilton

Monday, July 14, 2014 | 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

Alexander Hamilton scholar Michael E. Newton presents "New Discoveries in the Life of Alexander Hamilton - Part I," a special talk on several discoveries that he has made during his extensive research on Alexander Hamilton's youth and young adulthood (through 1781) in preparation for his upcoming book.

Mr. Newton will also discuss some old myths about Hamilton that are often repeated but, based on new evidence and analysis, have been determined to be untrue.

The talk will last approximately one hour, followed by a half-hour Q&A session.

This free event is part of the third annual CelebrateHAMILTON program honoring Hamilton's life and legacy, and is co-presented with the AHA Society (the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society).